When you live in a command line, configurations are a deeply personal thing. They are often crafted over years of experience, battles lost, lessons learned, advice followed, and ingenuity rewarded. When you are away from your own configurations, you are an orphaned refugee in unfamiliar and hostile surroundings. You feel clumsy and out of sorts. You are filled with a sense of longing to be back in a place you know. A place you built. A place where all the short-cuts have been worn bare by your own travels. A place you proudly call… $HOME. -- yadm website 点文件管理的痛点 管理点文件主要有两个目的: 方便拷贝配置到新机器 方便地查看对配置的更改 对于软件项目,Git 结合 Github 可以很好的满足这两点需求。但点文件不像软件代码
k&R allocator 是Brain Kernighan和 Dennis Ritchie 的名著 The C Programming Language 第 8.7 节中介绍的一个简单 malloc 实现。因为该书被称为 K&R C,这个 malloc 实现也被称为 K&C allocator。 K&R allocator 的实现非常简洁,Linux 内核基于 K&R allocator 实现了用于嵌入式系统 slob allocator。见 slob: introduce the SLOB allocator,邮件摘要如下: SLOB is a traditional K&R/UNIX allocator with a SLAB emulation layer, similar to the original Linux kmalloc allocator that SLAB replaced. It's signicantly smaller code and is more memory efficient. But like all similar allocators, it scales poorly and suffers from fragmentation more than